Friday, 22 July 2011

Trigger's Moses Basket.

Last night I put together little Blodwyn's Moses basket. Both his mummy and Uncle Jack slept in it, so it's a bit of an heirloom.  I had to buy a new stand, mattress, sheets and blankets. The basket and covers are fine - apart from a little overstretched elastic which can be easily replaced.

One generation down the line though, maybe Blod, or one of his siblings or cousins, will be replacing the covers, or deciding the basket's a bit worn. Another generation on, things may be replaced for the second or third time. Then it'll be like Trigger's broom - it's lasted four generations, but had two baskets, four mattresses, four sets of covers, three stands...

But for now, half of it is original.

Three days(ish) to go.

1 comment:

  1. I had to buy a new stand, mattress, sheets and blankets. The basket and covers are fine - apart from a little overstretched elastic which can be easily replaced.

    Moses Baskets
