A few days ago, and with two official weeks to go, the midwife told Giovanna, 'Only four weeks at the most.'
It wasn't what she wanted to hear.
'I feel like I'm going to explode!' she complained to me last night. 'I'm ready to have it now.'
It does look like someone's suddenly blown a whole load of air into her bump.
I hope she produces a little early too, as I am away on a writing holiday on her due date. It was all planned a year ago. I have struggled with my conscience. But you know what? I bet if I'd cancelled, Blodwyn would have been late. I'm only going to be in Wales. If need be, I'll get a train back for the day. Anyway, there's not a lot you can do while they're in hospital. Giovanna doesn't seem troubled by my possible short term absence.
My friends and I did threaten to take her with us, being a writer herself. There's an 'ysbyty' across the road from the uni where we're staying (hospital, for the benefit of the unWelsh). She could have popped along when she felt ready to 'pop', as it were.
The only problem is, if Blodwyn does arrive while I'm away, then every year his birthday will be during the writers' holiday. Now that will be a dilemma.
Come on Blod, hurry up!
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