Friday, 5 October 2012

Sproggs, Dogs and Baby Showers, part 2

…So, Nonna and her brood had this little problem. How were we to get Kat to the baby shower? Kat is always very busy, making a list each day of everything that has to be done. We hatched a plan. Peter told her Giovanna, C and I were taking her out baby shopping and that C was really excited about it. Since C was only here for the weekend, he wanted to guilt Kat into being on time! He also told her it was a secret and not to let on she knew. A kind of double bluff.

Sunday lunchtime came, and as it happened it was us who were running a bit behind schedule. Luckily, we were meeting at the house of Giovanna and Kat's friend AM (who was kindly holding the do) an hour earlier. People started turning up with food and presents and everything was coming together. At quarter to two C and I left to pick Kat up. She was ready! Peter was pottering about with Ben, not letting on that he was soon off to the local pub to meet with some of the other abandoned males. We went in the opposite direction to shopping centre so I explained we had to pick up Giovanna and LHG who were currently at AM’s house. Kat, thrilled that her nephew was coming didn’t question this, even when we had to stop for Pa, Uncle S and T at the zebra crossing on their way to the pub!

When we arrived at AM’s I thought we’d have to find some reason to get Kat out, but luckily she decided she wanted to say hello. We got through the back gate to be confronted by a group of  people  gathered on the patio and lawn. At first, Kat looked utterly confused. After all, there were people from different parts of her life – her mum and aunt, friends from various places, Peter’s family. Slowly we saw the light dawn, and she steamed off up the garden screeching with delight! Not easy when you’re over 36 weeks pregnant!

Eating, drinking (mostly soft drinks!), chatting and present unwrapping took place and a jolly afternoon was had by all.  

Little LHG was one of only two babies there. The other little boy wasn’t old enough for him to play with but he didn’t seem to mind. He escaped into the garden to splash his hands into all the little puddles of water that had gathered on outside toys. Then he came in to do the same with the drinks! One photograph perfectly captures a stream of liquid pouring from a cup onto his clothes, people looking on with various expressions of disbelief and amusement. The party might have been about his little cousin, but he wanted to join in the fun. Bless him.

Best of all was a further surprise Kat hadn’t expected. Having decided to opt for a home birth, she’d set her heart on purchasing a birthing pool (a bit like a high sided paddling pool). Realising their budget couldn’t quite stretch to it with all the other expenses, she’d resigned herself to going without. After examining the large card that Giovanna had made for her (with a photo of the scan) and that everyone had signed, AM presented her with a shoe box she’d carefully wrapped in pretty paper. Peeping inside, Kat was baffled by the loose money. ‘It’s for the birthing pool,’ someone said.

Kat burst into tears! Nonna felt quite overcome herself. When Kat had recovered, someone said, ‘Count it. Let’s see if you’ve got enough.’

Would you believe, people had donated the exact amount needed to purchase the pool? I think it's what Peter would call letting the universe take care of it!

With thanks to Peter, Giovanna and AM for all their work in organising the party, and to all the lovely friends and family who were so generous.


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