Wednesday, 25 July 2012

This Time Last Year...

...I was at the Caerleon Writers' Holiday awaiting the birth of Blodwyn Bubaloo, as he was then known. I'm back in Caerleon again this year, with its inspiring courses, lovely people and lush location, safe in the knowledge that I'm not missing out on the first birthday party of my 'nipote'. How kind of him to hang on last year so his nonna could enjoy her writerly time away!

I'm hoping, with him having an August birthday, that most of LHG's future parties will be sunny. A bit much to ask in the UK I know, especially when experience of my own children's parties has taught me this won't necessarily be the case.

LHG's mummy, Giovanna, with a birthday at the end of February, has naturally seen some glum weather on her special day. One year it snowed so heavily that her grandparents were almost trapped at our house. Another year it was so sunny and warm that we sat on the beach at Littlehampton.

Uncle Peter, who's birthday is at the end of May, probably had as many rainy birthdays as he did sunny ones.

Uncle Jack and Aunty C were surprisingly lucky with their September birthdays. One year, we hired a bouncy castle at the weekend in between their birthdays. Jack's nine year old friends occupied it for the afternoon. C's 17/18 year old friends made an evening of it. Later they also made a night of it with their sleeping bags, so mild was the weather.

So, what to expect for LHG's August birthday? Heat wave or flood? Gentle breezes or gale force ten? In the best of years it would be hard to predict, but with the weather we've been having this year, it is certainly anyone's guess. Either way I'm sure he'll enjoy it, even if he doesn't know what all the fuss is about.

I'll let you know.

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